Locations of interest near THATCamp AHA

Below you will find a map with markers to help orient you during your time at THAT Camp. The Omni Shoreham Hotel, where THAT Camp will take place is marked with a dark red marker and label. There are quite a few places to go for lunch in the area. Some options are marked in light green. Other lighter-red color markers represent places where you might find coffee or a light snack during the day.

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About Lisa Rhody

Lisa M. Rhody is a research assistant professor at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM) at George Mason University in Fairfax Virginia. She is co-editor of the Journal of Digital Humanities and project manager for the Institute of Museum and Library Services's signature conference WebWise--for gallery, library, archive, and museum professionals interested in developing digitally-inflected projects at their institutions. She regularly contributes to the PressForward Initiative as a consultant for Digital Humanities Now. Her research interests include the tradition of ekphrasis (poetry to, for, and about the visual arts), women's literature, topic modeling, digital humanities, and scholarly communication.