Jordan – THATCamp AHA 2014 At the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association | Washington, D.C. | January 5, 2014 Sun, 05 Jan 2014 21:34:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Notecards for the New Century: Best Practices for Personal Databases Fri, 03 Jan 2014 16:16:47 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

I’m interested in having a conversation about how historians’ construct their personal databases. This topic has come up in some more traditional conference sessions – Friday’s ”Digitally Informed Dissertation,” for instance – but I’d like to discover whether scholars are using software like Zotero, Evernote, DevonThink, or FileMaker to organize their research, explore new questions with their historical data, and share their research with others, both pre- and post- publication. We could split our meeting time between more theoretical questions (What are the merits of open, iterative research practices? How can we protect the intellectual property of archives and libraries? When is adding more metadata just fiddling?) and basic tips and tricks (Is geocoding worth it? How can I hack my tags? And so forth).

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