Comments on: Git / GitHub ? At the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association | Washington, D.C. | January 5, 2014 Wed, 15 Jan 2014 03:01:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: footnotesrising Sat, 04 Jan 2014 17:55:34 +0000 Thanks to Patrick for posting this. I was inspired by tweets coming out of a Thursday AHA session titled “The Digitally Informed Dissertation: New Questions, New Kinds of Research” (, but haven’t yet explored Git or Github myself. That’s largely because I haven’t been involved in a large coding project that uses its versioning or sharing/repository capabilities in a more “traditional” way.

So the discussion would start with questions like what is Git, what is Github, what is versioning and forking, how do they work with Git/Github and how might historians use them? I have some ideas on the versioning aspect. Also, we could talk about it as a repository, in comparison to other types of systems–again, I have no expertise on this question.

Chad Black, who won’t be at THATCamp, has been using Github with his history classes. He shared a couple of links:

“getting started with github and”

“using bitbucket for a research repository”

Lincoln Mullen tweeted to say he’d also be interested in talking about this on Sunday.



By: cliotropic Fri, 03 Jan 2014 04:09:16 +0000 yes! I currently use git on a private repository for managing the content for my fully-online courses (syllabi, weekly assignments, etc). I also use git and a Markdown/LaTeX tool chain for handling dissertation-related tasks.

Here’s my big problem-seeking-a-solution: I prefer to write in Markdown, but some of my material has to be written in Word/RTF formats for interaction with other staff members. Word/RTF formats aren’t as amenable to diff tools, which is a challenge when I need to run 2 parallel versions of a course. (The current, very urgent, example is that I’m teaching both an online-only and a face-to-face version of the same course, and I’m uncertain how to handle the branching required to overlap most-but-not-all of the documents.)
